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The AIDAR Model identifies cognitive stages an individual goes through during the buying process for a product or service.
What is the AIDAR model?
The AIDAR Model is a purchasing funnel that identifies cognitive stages an individual goes through during the buying process for a product or service. The AIDAR acronym stands for Awareness (or Attention), Interest, Desire (or Decision), Action, and Retention. It’s often said that if your marketing or advertising is missing just one of the five AIDAR steps, it will be unsuccessful.
What does AIDAR stand for?
Awareness (or Action): The “A” is for awareness, though sometimes the word action is substituted. This is the first step in the AIDAR model, It simply means that brand awareness or affliation must be seen to be effective for your product or service.
Interest: The “I” is for interest. This is the second step in the AIDAR model. Once you got the awareness/action from the consumer you need to keep it by generating interest in the benefits of your product or service and by encouging them to reasearch further.
Desire: The”D” is for desire. This is the third step in the AIDAR model. Desire is what moves the consumer from ‘liking’ your product or service to ‘wanting it’.
Action: The “A” is for action. This is the forth step in the ADAIR model. This step is what moves the consumer to interact with your company by taking the next step by either downloading a brochure, making a phone call, joining your newsletter, or engaging in live chat, etc.
Retention: The “R” is for retention. This is the fifth and final step in the ADAIR model. Retention is the key continue an ongoing relationship by up selling, cross-selling, referrals, advocacy and more.